Mercury Retrograde - & Why I’m GOING Through It…

Before you write me off for spewing Astrology-related "nonsense", let me assure you; there's a method to my madness and a real-world connection embedded within it all. For those of you who aren't in the know, multiple times a year, the planet Mercury enters a period referred to as a retrograde. 

This retrograde occurs three to four times annually for a duration of about three weeks, which is, in my honest opinion, a whole FREAKING lot. Currently, we're experiencing the first cycle of Mercury retrograde for 2020, and I don't think I've ever felt more personally victimized by a retrograde before.

The Farmer's Almanac website gives a little insight into what all of this "hoopla" really means. The term retrograde comes from the Latin word, retrogradus, which translates literally as "backward step." So, retrograde is when a planet appears to go backward in its orbit, as viewed from Earth. Astronomers classify this as an optical illusion. 

Enough with the scientific meaning though, because I know you're all wondering why us astrology-heads complain about it so often and dread it so deeply. Astrologers believe that the Moon, stars, planets and Sun affect happenings here on Earth, and that each planet in our solar system rules a different aspect of life. Mercury is said to govern transportation and communication. 

So, it is said that during the planet's periods of retrograde, utter chaos ensues. Those of us who are firm believers in the all-consuming powers of the retrograde use it as an explanation for heated arguments with friends and family, misplaced personal items, physical injuries or car accidents, etc. Sure, it could just be a matter of mere coincidence, but I'm wont to think that the stars most CERTAINLY do not lie. 

Since the advent of this retrograde, (February 16th) I've not only felt physically weak (low-grade stomach aches, feelings of lethargy and the inability to get a proper night's rest), I've also found myself unable to fully connect on an emotional and mental level with my peers (family, friends and colleagues alike). As a firm believer of the stars and their revolution around the Sun having a considerable impact on us earthling's daily lives, I don't see this as some sort of "accidental happening". No, I see this as a period of unrest, a time of negative, misplaced self-reflection and a point of disconnect from the people you love and interact with on a daily basis.

I'm having a hard time believing I can succeed not only in my intended career path but in life as a whole. I've always been more prone to self-deprecation than the average person, but my voice of reason almost always cancels out the negativity. This retrograde? That voice of reason has made like Elvis and LEFT THE BUILDING. 

So, my fellow follower's of the stars, rest assured you are NOT alone in feeling like the rug has been quite literally pulled-no, RIPPED-from underneath you these past couple of weeks. Don't worry though, come March 9th we will be in the clear and free from the chains of emotional distress. That is, until NEXT retrograde...


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Reflections on 2022.